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Showing posts from November, 2019

The importance of Oral health in Men?

Self-care is an important aspect of everyone’s lives. Taking good care of one’s body and mind is essential for the wellbeing of everyone. Oral health is also an important aspect of our overall wellbeing that it can’t be ignored. Especially in men, because oral care does affect several other components in a man’s health. Since several studies have revealed that the male population is more prone to get affected by periodontal diseases than women, the topic of male oral health needs to be addressed. Call us at 99415-11444 for booking an appointment at Expert Dental Care, the best laser dental clinic in Chennai Visit Expert Dental Care, the best laser dental clinic in Chennai .  Email us at

Can lasers be used for Tooth Whitening?

Teeth whitening as the name suggests is a process used to make your tooth appear whiter than it naturally is. Teeth whitening essentially involves using whitening products to cause a change in the tooth enamel rather than removing surface stains.  Laser teeth whitening is a current option that you might want to consider. Unlike normal whitening, laser teeth whitening can be done only in a dental clinic by a trained professional. In laser teeth whitening, the whitening agent is applied over the teeth and lasers are used to activate. Laser teeth whitening is a faster option than other solutions.  Visit Expert Dental Care for the best Laser treatment in Chennai .  Call us at 99415-11444 to book an appointment with Dr Sravanthi who and receive the best Laser treatment in Kilapuk .  Visit us at   Email us at

Can laser treat canker sores?

Generally, canker sores resolve by themselves within 7 to 10 days. But in some people, though they resolve, they might be experiencing recurrent canker sores or sores that returns every now and then. They can try and cure the canker sores using a laser. When a laser is used for treating canker sores, it has been found out that they had faster healing and the pain was reduced drastically too. Low-Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is used to treat such canker sores. Certain oral issues like direct trauma from a sharp tooth, ill-fitting cap, etc can cause canker sores. If the cause is due to oral issues, your dentist can tell you. It may be noted that even if the sores return, it may be due to some other underlying medical conditions like stress, certain allergies, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or other conditions which you may have to find out by visiting your physician. Call us at 99415-11444 for booking an appointment at Expert Dental Care , the best laser d...

Does wisdom teeth cause TMJ?

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint is a bone joint that connects your jaw bone with the temporal bones of your skull. This joint is essential in chewing, talking, yawning, etc. Problems that affect the TMJ are known as Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) or Temporomandibular Joint disorders (TMJ disorders). While there are many factors that are believed to cause TMJ disorders, retaining wisdom teeth is definitely one of them.  Usually, during the eruption of wisdom teeth, they cause spacing issues because they do not have enough space for themselves to erupt. On the arrival of the wisdom teeth, they will crowd and cause improper contact during oral function. Improper contact during oral function puts the TMJ to strain to cause TMJ disorders. Hence if you have impacted wisdom teeth, it is better to remove them. Visit us at Call us at 99415-11444 for booking your appointment Email us at

Pinhole surgical technique for receding gums

For people with receded gum, pinhole surgical technique provides hope. In this procedure, the affected teeth and gum are cleaned and prepared first. Laser is also used for this purpose. Then the gum tissue is numbed with a local anesthetic. A small entry point, usually 0.1 inch, is made in the gum above the teeth that are treated. The gum tissue at the entry point is freed and gently moved down to their proper position. Then through the entry point, collagen strips or gum graft material are inserted using a specialized instrument. The gum position is them secured and stabilized by laying small sutures on the gum. The healing process that proceeds to correct the gum recession. Call Expert Dental Care at 99415-11444 to know more about laser gum cleaning cost , laser gum surgery cost and laser gum treatment cost in India .   Visit us at Email us at

How is laser periodontal therapy performed

First, the pocket between the gum and the teeth is measured accurately. Then the depth of the periodontal infection is ascertained. After that, the laser is used to remove the infected lining. These are steps that are nothing by scaling, root planning and gum curettage. It should be noted that when the laser is used the pocket is also disinfected of bacteria simultaneously due to the disinfecting properties of the laser. The dentist then smooths the root to remove any rough spots. This is done to prevent any future infections that might be caused by bacteria. Then the laser is used again now it is ensured to develop a clot. Any loose tissue is then compressed against the teeth. Within a few weeks after healing, your teeth should now be free of periodontitis once the dentist ascertains that the treatment is complete. Expert Dental Care offers the best laser treatment in Chennai .  Call us at 99415-11444 to know more about laser treatment cost in Chennai and to book an ap...

Does Keto diet affect your Oral health?

Keto diet has been gaining popularity rapidly over the past few months. Many of us may have seen or heard about people and celebrities losing weight using this popular diet. In this blog, we are going to see if the Keto diet affects our oral health? If it does affect our oral health, how does it affect our mouth? Call us at 99415-11444 for booking an appointment at Expert Dental Care , the best laser dental clinic in Chennai Visit Expert Dental Care, the best laser dental clinic in Porur . Email us at

A word about Eco-friendly floss

Caring for the environment is the buzzword now. Sustainable or eco-friendly alternatives are widely being promoted and hence plastic-free products are receiving worldwide attention. Floss threads are no exception.  Most floss threads are made of nylon which is a synthetic material that does not degrade in the environment. Once they are flossed and tossed they turn into micro-plastic that not only pollutes the environment but also gets into our food chain.  Floss made of silk and bamboo is an eco-friendly alternative. Such flosses are free from harmful wax coating too and they readily degrade when flossed and tossed. Call us at 99415-11444 for booking an appointment at Expert Dental Care, the best laser dental clinic in Chennai Visit Expert Dental Care for the best laser treatment in Kilpauk . Email us at